Learning in Nature
Chilton Magic Garden aims to empower children, their families and schools to engage with a holistic range of outdoor learning programs over a sustained time, at one of the most beautiful settings of the Kentish countryside.
We provide children and parents with an organised and expert-led environment outside of the formal schooling framework accommodating their individual or group needs with flexible arrangements by creating playgroups, forest nursery, and nature-centred outdoor clubs.
Immersing in the wild places of Chilton, the sprawling fields, the arboretum, riverbed and woodlands, creates a relaxed, unrestrained, liberating and inclusive learning space that encourages freedom to play whilst harnessing children’s curiosity for self-discovery.
We provide our own nature-inspired and science-oriented teaching towards an extended horizon of the children's education journey. Fostering a child’s resilience, responsibility, resourcefulness and resolution.
Chilton Magic Garden is a progressive and developmental learning pathway, nurturing learners from childhood into adolescence and beyond.
We will also work closely with teachers and schools in the region to help develope enjoyable, exciting and stimulating experiences outdoors in nature, to promote the development of pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills.
"Children have a marvellous capacity for absorbing themselves in whatever they're looking at. They will gain far better understanding of things outside themselves by becoming one with them than from second-hand talk. Children seldom forget a direct experience." Sharing Nature with Children by Joseph Cornell.
Educational Trips
We offer free educational trips for schools to learn about and experience farming, nature and the changing environment. The curriculum areas we cover include KS2 and KS3 in Science, Mathematics, English, Geography, History, Art, Design and Technology, and Physical Education . Please contact us for more details.
Outdoor Provision
We also offer outdoor provision for schools, community groups and organisations. We are more than happy to help tailor towards your requirements.