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Ecosystems and Biodiversity

Updated: May 12, 2023


Image: Pond ecosystem

We discussed the ecosystem of the spring stream and pond. Its geographical location in the valley being the springs that are the birthplace of the river tower that runs through Dover to the sea. The temperature in the area this unique and different from the windy heights on the hills of the valley. It’s like sheltered by willow trees and beech trees and reeds where water birds can nest.

It Is made up of freshwater springs from an underground river that rises in the winter and spring season and subsides in the summer when the seasons are dryer. This water brings life to many species whose life-cycle depends on water, such as amphibians – frogs.

We went out around the pond to each find a plant and a creature. We each drew a picture of what we found and then combined these to construct the ecosystem we had explored.

What we found: lagoon water, rocks, mud and in the mud and shallow water live shrimp, gadfly, dragonfly, damselfly larvae and other creatures eggs.

Insects like the bumble bee, and water birds, mallard ducks and moor hens and coots.

We found different looking newts, some with spot on their bellies, some with crests on their backs

We found plants like water mint, forget me nots, water dock, stinging nettles, daffodils and primroses.

We spoke about how the animals around the pond need water for their life-cycle like the shrimp, the dragonflies, the Beatles and water Boatman. And how this is seasonal and only occurs for a few months of the year, but is very important to sustain nature and wildlife throughout the whole year.

Ecosystem - definition- An ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to form a bubble of life. Ecosystems contain biotic or living, parts, as well as abiotic factors, or nonliving parts. Biotic factors include plants, animals, and other organisms.

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